Presentations and Social Dilemma - Morning Blog of January 14th, 2021 - John Mazziotti

 Philosophy J Term Blog - January 14th - John Mazziotti

Today was our 9th day in the Philosophy and World Building J-Term! We had a vast array of informative presentations, great discussions, and final response building in Minecraft.

     First, we did our group presentations on individual philosophers. These presentations consisted of a small biography of the philosopher, some of the values that the philosopher stood for, and remarks on our group’s conversation about the philosopher. These presentations were purely informative, so after we completed them, the whole class had a seminar. 

Our second activity was watching The Social Dilemma. This documentary described the process of how our phones are not only being monitored, but how they are customized by an algorithm to better suit the user. It discussed how the root of this user customized algorithm and targeted advertising can be found to be rooted in Social media and  platforms like Google. After watching this documentary, we had an interesting discussion on how this could be problematic in the future, and how we could prevent any further problems from this algorithm.



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