Are You a Cyborg? (Afternoon of 01/08/21)
This afternoon in the Philosophy, World Constructions, and Online Gaming J term we examined A Cyborg Manifesto by Donna J. Haraway. We then came back and did presentations on examples of cyborgs. For instance, Haraway claims Olympic athletes are cyborgs through the interaction of medicine, diet, training practices, clothing and equipment manufacture, visualization and timekeeping. This inspired my presentation on how LeBron James is a cyborg. We had a very fall aesthetic conversation in an effort to define what a cyborg is and how we see cyborgs within society. Does using running shoes, glasses, or even drones and cars make us cyborgs? This is what the seminar tried to nail down. After this seminar, we were then free to go express these philosophers’ ideas in Minecraft.
Here we have a student who related Plato‘s allegory of the cave to the matrix train station scene.
Here we have a representation of the events described in Plato‘s allegory of the cave.
You can’t play Minecraft without having a little fun! With some extra time a group built a $500 mansion in “Waco Texas” with an open concept kitchen.
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